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Consulting and mediation … finding the right balance … with yourself and others.

We will help you find your way out of the cul-de-sac. We will work with you in developing an enjoyment of life, an enjoyment of communications and an enjoyment in being around other people.

Our mediation is always

  • Impartial
  • Fair to all
  • Voluntary
  • Strictly confidential
  • Based on professional expertise
  • Diligent and honest

Mediation in business


Disputes cost money and generally do not result in success. This has long been recognised. But we have been offering a good alternative for the last few years: mediation.


Mediation with neighbours and others


All disputes disrupt our need for peace in life. We cannot change our fellow human beings but we can support you on the road ahead.


Mediation with parents and children, including in schools and kindergartens


Happy children, relaxed parents, dedicated teachers and satisfied humanity. This should be the normal way of things but it sounds almost like a dream.



Mediation with parents and grandparents, resolving conflicts between the generations


As we get older, the time we spend with younger people is not always as simple as we would like. Elder Mediation – and younger people do not always know how to interact with the older generation. We can provide support in the form of mediation.


Gitti Weber is a registered mediator and is committed to strictly observing the ethical principles and rules of this professional group.

The 6 basic rules of mediation Stages of escalation according to Friedrich Glasl